Detective agency and Investigation Service
NSA offers comprehensive detective and investigative services. This investigation service is not limited to Austria. We work with international partners and can offer you worldwide service.
Operational Planning.
Every investigation starts with a personal interview where aims of investigation are set. Every step of the investigation is arranged with you personally using discrete and legal methods exclusively. All your information will be treated confidentially. The results of the investigation will be given to you alone.
Of course, this includes a detailed report with all findings and all evidence acceptable in court. NSA sees it as their task to detect and document all facts that are beneficial to you in their investigations. NSA has been working for years with law offices specialized in such issues. Upon request we provide a risk assessment and legal evaluation of the investigations desired.
If necessary for the investigation technological solutions can be offered such as mini-cameras or satellite tracking.
Summary of service:
Procurement of DNA Evidence.
Our company offers a comprehensive portfolio in the field of detective and investigative services. This includes the implementation of DNA testing, for both private and official purposes. Evaluation is implemented by an independent certified laboratory.
NSA – National Security Austria offers optimal service for businesses and shops in the inner city of Vienna. NSA’s security forces are flexible and can be set up promptly due to our location in Kärntnerstraße 17 in the vicinity of the golden U’s.